
About This Site

EvidenceAlerts is a continuously updated repository of current best evidence from research to support evidence-based clinical decisions.

All articles from 117 premier clinical journals are pre-rated for quality by highly trained research staff, then rated for clinical relevance and interest by at least 3 members of a worldwide panel of practicing physicians. Only the strongest studies and systematic reviews are selected for EvidenceAlerts; less than 1 in 10 published articles makes the grade.

EvidenceAlerts does not cover basic science, and is providing clinically relevant new evidence to practicing physicians more than a comprehensive literature database for researchers.

What are the features of EvidenceAlerts?

The current features of EvidenceAlerts include:

What do the clinical ratings in EvidenceAlerts mean?

The current features of PLUS include:

* Wilczynski NL, McKibbon KA, Haynes RB. Enhancing retrieval of best evidence for health care from bibliographic databases: calibration of the hand search of the literature. Medinfo. 2001;10(Pt 1):390-3.